Have you been feeling your intuition grow? Feel your powers coming in? Are you ready to put your energy together in a group and see what you can do?
This is a special group session for clients that want to work with other intuitive individuals and go on a mission or adventures together energetically online.
Every Monday I am offering a small group session with only twelve spaces. We will meet via Zoom, talk about what the mission of the session is, discuss our roles and what to expect.
My Guides will be picking our mission. Each one will be something to help and be of service, need it with Gaia, the Collective, the Universe, Gridwork … whatever is needed at that Now Moment.
Working together as a group intensifies our powers as a whole. You will feel your energy in a new way. We also will be completely protected by our own guides plus wrapped in Source light.
Each and every mission we do will be of and for the Light.
This will use all your intuitive gifts to accomplish our mission together. We will be joining our energy and together online and head out to the Universe to do the task or tasks we have been given. Each meeting will be different and we will be doing missions that will help the Collective with our Ascension.
Are you ready to find out who you truly are?
Please note this is a special session for existing clients. All levels are welcome!
If you have an upcoming session and feel you have the skills to join, please drop me an email at change@AgirlintheUniverse.com.