You Are More Than Just Flesh and Bone, You Are Pure Energy
Your body has its own electrical field that radiates energy throughout it. As a Cosmic Intuitive and Energy Alchemist, I work with that energy, tap into it, and adjust it as needed.
It’s much like when you have an electrical short in your home. You wouldn’t try to fix that on your own? No, you would call in someone that works with energy to get it working again. That is just what an energy practitioner does.

Are Your Ready To Connect To You?
An Energy Alignment Session is really much like a healing session for your energy. I reach out to your energy and feel what is going on in your energetic field. Being a Cosmic Intuitive I see your system differently than others. Usually, on your first appointment, you will need the works: Energy Alignment, Chakra Clearing and Cleansing, programming removal, cords cut, and Etheric Energy Adjustment.
This is totally unique to you and each time we meet your needs will change. This is also included in all my full hour sessions but to a much lesser extent. To me, it’s of the utmost importance that we get you aligned and inflow. Cleaning and clearing your energies and your totally chakra system makes such a huge difference in the way your energy and body run.
If you are suffering from strong ascension symptoms, THIS HELPS greatly!
What to expect? You are growing and changing along your ascension path. Each time we schedule an Energy session it will be different because you are different. Usually, it will start as I connect to your energy. Then I bring in my guides and yours, and together we go through each area of your energetic field. Then I clear, align, and balance as needed.
Some of the usual energy services that I often perform for my clients in this session are but not limited to: Energy Alignment, Chakra Clearing, Cleansing, and Balancing. Etheric Energy Adjustment, including balancing, Cleansing and Unblocking. Energy Reset or Your Field, Bringing in Aspects of You, Wrapping and Protecting Energy in Source Light.
I also look for anything that you have picked up along the way that should not be attached to you energetically. I cut energetic cords, remove foreign energetic objects, remove any hidden programming, remove blockages, and open your channel for incoming codes and upgrades.
I also can detect areas of your body that need healing, so I bring in my guides and we wrap and work on the energy in those areas to verify your energy is flowing and working through those affected areas.
I also find myself unlocking my client’s systems lately, that they have locked themselves and their energy in. Each session is unique to you and happens as it is divinely guided to happen.
I also use Light Language throughout our entire session together. It flows from Source, so it comes in and out as I work.
All sessions are now available online via Zoom. Energy is energy, you don’t need to be next to someone to connect to it. That’s the beauty of energy work… it can be done in the comfort of your own home.
“I work with the energy in your body to get it moving and flowing again. Sometimes energy gets stuck and that causes lag, fatigue, illness, and disease in your body. I work with your energy body to find out how it is being affected, and what needs to be done to get you if flow again. Basically, I work with giving your body’s universal blueprint of energy, so it can regain its strength and feel how it truly should feel.” -SA Smith